The UHS gives you just the hints you need to solve many games. We
give you as much detail as any walkthrough, but unlike ordinary
walkthroughs or cheats, we show you just the hints you need, so your
game is never spoiled. Select the area where you're stuck and keep
reading to get the right level of help.
- Active Volcano, The
- Amazing Illusion, The
- Armorog's Den
- Attic, The
- Banquet Hall, The
- Base of the Tree House
- Base of the Volcano
- Bottomless Well, The
- Broken Bridge, The
- Castle Staircase
- Castle's Dungeon, The
- Cloud Castle, The
- Complex Cloud Route
- Crafty Cloud, The
- Daisy's Empty Hut
- Daisy's Prison
- Denzil's Pad
- Deserted Mines, The
- Dizzy's Parent's Hut
- Docks and Pier
- Dragon's Lair, The
- East Tower, The
- East Wing, The
- Entrance Hall, The
- Fourway Warehouse
- Giant Beanstalk, The
- Going down the well!
- Guard House, The
- Inside the Church
- Keep Out! Dozy's Hut
- Large Oak Tree, The
- Lift Control Hut, The
- Lift to the Elders
- Looking Out to Sea
- Longjump Cloud
- Market Square, The
- Meeting Hall, The
- Moat and Portcullis
- More 'orrible Clouds
- Near the Volcano Top
- Smelly Allotment, The
- Smuggler's Hideout
- Sky
- Snap Happy Gator, The
- Strange New World!, A
- West Wing, The
- Wide-Eyed Dragon, The
- West Tower, The
- Yet More Clouds
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Hint System. Hints on this site may be copyright by their respective
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