The UHS gives you just the hints you need to solve many games. We
give you as much detail as any walkthrough, but unlike ordinary
walkthroughs or cheats, we show you just the hints you need, so your
game is never spoiled. Select the area where you're stuck and keep
reading to get the right level of help.
- Day 1: A Rude Awakening, or the 7-Year Ouch
- Day 2: Tex Gets His Mojo On, or Dial M for Moron
- Day 3: Drugs, Guns, and Cache, or the Fast and the Curious
- Day 4: Saints & Sinners, or the Unusual Suspects
- Day 5: The Sesen Candidate, or Little School of Horrors
- Day 6: Mason-ic Rituals, or One Jumped Out Of the Cuckoo's Nest
- Day 7: The Talking Dead, or Lost in Translation
- Day 8: Ctrl-Ault-Del, or There Will Be Blood (And More!)
- Day 9: Journey Into Darkness, or La Dolce Vita (Not)
- Day 10: V for Vengeance, or Towers and Infernos
- Day 11: This Immortal Coil, or Apocalypse Pow!
- Day 12: The Big Finish, or All Good Things ...
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